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3.7E Bikeway intersection design

Two-Stage Turn Queue Boxes

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Queue box

Two-stage turn queue boxes designates space for bicycles to wait for traffic to clear in an intersection while performing a two-stage turn across a street.


Two-stage turn queue boxes designates space for bicycles to wait for traffic to clear in an intersection while performing a two-stage turn across a street. Two-stage turn queue boxes may be used for making left or right turns. 

Figure 3.7E.12:
Two-stage turn queue boxes


Design Considerations


  1. Two-stage turn queue boxes should be located outside the path of through and turning motorized traffic, and adjacent to the intended bicycle travel path through the intersection. When space is not available to accommodate this placement, turn boxes should not be installed.
  2. Locate two-stage turn queue boxes on the intersection (downstream) side of the crosswalk to reduce conflicts with pedestrians.


Two-stage turn queue boxes will vary in dimensions and placement depending on context. See Figure 3.7E.11 for more details.


  1. “No Turn on Red” (R10-11) restrictions should be used to prevent vehicles from entering the queuing area.
  2. In most contexts, bicycles can still merge into vehicular travel lanes to make a one-stage turn if they chose to.

One-way to two-way transitions

Two-stage turn queue boxes may be used to assist transitions between one-way and two-way bike facilities and other complex movements.

MnDOT approval

If installing a two-stage bicycle turn box, provide the location to the MnDOT Traffic Standards Engineer at 651-234-7388 to adhere to the requirements of the FHWA statewide approval.